HILS/RCP system development support

Hardware and software development for embedded systems such as a HILS/RCP system, as well as construction of the environment for implementation of the desired

Simulator Development


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HILS/RCP system development support


Development of drivers, firmware and FPGA for embedded systems

Sample of client requests

  • Want creation of new I/O boards, or upgrade of existing boards which are built into systems such as HILS/RCP

Solutions offered by NDR

  • Can undertake bundled development of hardware and software of the drivers, firmware, FPGA and circuit boards for embedded systems

Implementation of the Simulink model in the HILS/RCP environment

Sample of client requests

  • Want to implement models created in Simulink on HILS or RCP

Solutions offered by NDR

  • Can customize the code generation environment (Simulink Coder/Embedded Coder) for Simulink according to the client system
  • Can construct custom blocks to control I/O on the simulator Can build intuitive models using the above