Home CAE Solution SILS Environment Construction

Environment Construction

We provide various solutions to build SILS environment.We convert softwares including OS and microcontroller parts to SILS/virtualization for existing control device.Also, provide solutions to interface Simulink with other systems.


Controller software virtualization

Controller software virtualization

Porting the embedded software (mainly C language) inside the control device (controller) onto Simulink. We port the embedded software that runs on real-time OS into Simulink environment and connect to plant side model for simulation.However, not only porting the existing embedded software but also build a
SILS environment by virtualization of microcomputer peripherals, RTOS and other circuit parts as needed.

Case studies

  • SILS conversion of engine control software
  • S-function conversion of Renesas microcomputer + software
  • Hardware virtualization
Linkage to External application

Linkage to External application

We build an environment to link Simulink with other applications in case if plant side is built with a Simulink model and controller side is built with an external application such as a debugger.Software assets can be used as it is and early start up of SILS environment is possible through linkage.In addition to commercial applications, we also offer consultation regarding linkage to customer specific applications.

Case studies

  • Visual Studio + Simulink model environment construction
  • Customer specific measuring device simulator + Simulink model linkage environment construction
  • Customer specific CPU simulator + Simulink model linkage environment construction
  • Development of tools to link with Simulink